Thursday, 26 February 2015

My cat has been foiled - Nail Art

I'm getting busier in my everyday life which is cutting into my nail art time. I can't dare to bare my nails but I can't spend ages each week painting them just to have them chip off a day or two later. This is where gel nail polish come in. This awesome invention means I can wear a mani for a few weeks with no chips (if I apply it correctly). All I have to do is not get bored with a design :P

At the moment I only have 3 gel polish colours from SensatioNail. This does mean I'm pretty restricted in nail art ideas but you'd actually be surprised at how much you can do with just three colours, or even one as seen in these cat foil nails. Before I said I could wear this nail art for a few weeks without chipping...well in this case I kind of lied. I got three days (I think), before I chipped one nail on my non dominant hand. But that was due to poor application, everything else is still sweet and it's approximately day 5 (will be changing it up soon though).

What I used for this look is:
SensatioNail - Lily White, top/base coat, Led light
Born Pretty Store - Silver Nail Foil (plus time turner necklace)
The Sparkly Shop - Cat Flat Metal Charms and Silver Triangle Glitter

Shout out to my mum for being awesome enough to help out with the photo taking. Also, gel nails does mean one thing...less posts, but that's kind of the point because busy. However I do have some saved nail art to share, so fear not creepy fingernail stalkers, you shall have gawking material for a while yet!

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