Monday, 29 September 2014

#31DC2014 -Day 29 - Inspired by the Supernatural

Day 29 is today, and although this may be my third blog post for the day, it does mean I'm officially caught up! There are about a billion options to choose from when it comes to being inspired by the supernatural but after seeing some nails by Break Rules, Not Nails, I knew I could go not further than Zombie nails*

*Warning, this post may contain blood, blood and more blood...what can I say, I like fake blood.

Zombie Fingers
I'll let you in on a little secret, there was not much actually nail painting that went into these. I know, the HORROR! I'm such FRAUD! Dramatic GASP! etc etc. The only polish used in this nail art is  base of Sand by Bella Belle Nail Couture to make my actual nails blend into my fingers, and a little bit of Sizzling Red by Ulta3, to paint the exposed part of my nails after I applied my cracked fake nails.

Truth be told, these were actually painful to do. Although I didn't actually push pins under my nails, I did apply fake nails for the first time and stuck my fingers firmly together more than once. My brother can attest to my pleas of help as I worried I might be stuck with hands together for the rest of my life...all for the sake of art! tut tut.

 I also went a little over the top with fake bruising around my fingers, making me look more like a torture victim than a zombie. Therefore these are some versatile nail art for Halloween, which is rapidly approaching. It almost makes me wish we celebrated Halloween in Australia so I could freak out all the villagers with my freaky fingers!

I also took too much of a liking to the fake blood, hence the reason it looks like I've squirted tomato sauce all over my nails. I also put it all over my face, so a behind the scene selfie is shown below of me being crazy.

Enjoy these, don't freak over them, they're just a bit of fun. I promise normal nails again tomorrow :P

Zombie Fingers

Zombie Fingers

Zombie Fingers

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